Other Side of a Winter Sunset

by David Andersen
Other Side of a Winter Sunset
David Andersen
Photograph - Photo
Strawberry Canyon, Southern Idaho --Despite being held up by the weather and the myriad of packages that UPS had to deliver that Christmas Eve, a brand new lens showed up just before we closed the doors for the day. I had a new lens, my son had a learners permit to drive so I talked him into taking one. Strawberry Canyon in Idaho is unique because the winter setting sun is in line with the canyon, unlike the usual deep-in-shadow-before-the-sunset canyons along the Wasatch Front. So we chased the sinking sun up, stopped to take in a sunset, and then we would hop in the truck and drive higher and take in another and another all the way to the top. This picture is as high as we could chase the sun up and we caught it kissing the treetops goodnight.
December 4th, 2014